December 12, 2008

Memory & Friday Foto Fun!

My memory stinks. I'm always forgetting to do things or losing items of significant value, and it tends to cause problems. On an average day I tend to lose my car keys, my house keys and my cell phone; I forget to put the clothes in the dryer, or put the dishes away. On a bad day I may lose my debit card or wallet; I forget to finish a project at work before the deadline or that Michael has something important going on that I need to be home for. On a horrible day I could lose such treasures as the memory card with all of our honeymoon pictures, or the diamond necklace Michael gave me for my 21st birthday; I might forget to make a $67,000 deposit for work which results in one of our client's accounts being overdrawn by $45,000.

All of those things have actually happened to me in the last year. All had happy (or at least acceptable) endings, but it is incredibly frustrating. I am really bad at organization and time management, but how does one improve in those areas? Would better skills in those areas solve my problem, or just make it easier to get things done when I remember them? I don't know, but improving those skills is my only plan at the moment, so I'm giving it a try. Any tips are welcome.

So far today is only a general day: I meant to bring my camera so I could participate in Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta, and I was going to choose a photo that I would fiddle with if I won her Phun Photofiddle Giveaway. But (big surprise) I forgot, so instead, I'm going to have to go with this photo of my cutie nephew and Santa (I'm sure you're all so dissapointed).

Elijah is 3 years old, and that photo has not been photoshopped or retouched in any way. He is one tall kid. That's why this picture (taken before a game with Grandpa):

Will soon become this picture:

Assuming, of course, that he stays as interested in football as he is now. I don't see his interest fading any, however, since his mom and dad aren't fans (except of him) and his interest in it seems to come completely from within himself.

Want to play along with the Friday Foto Fun? Just post a phavorite photo in your post today, link to Candid Carrie's post in yours, and enter your name and URL in her post. It's easy, I promise! Go, go, go! Do it now!


Susie said...

Those are great pictures:-)

Jennifer said...

Wow--he is tall! And very cute!

jen721 said...

Maybe you will get lucky and he will go pro some day!

SuZ said...

You are not alone, I lose everything. Drives my husband crazy!!! :)

Gucci Mama said...

Meh. What's a 45,000 overdraft? No big whoop.

Love the pictures of your giant nephew. He's really cute. And about as tall as I am it appears.

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net said...

awesome pix

SabrinaT said...

Great pictures. I have the same brain dysfunction. I just write everything down in a HUGE day planner that stays chained to my wrist. I swear I have to read it 100 times a day....

Ross said...

Your nephew is definatly going to be a pro one day!