June 1, 2009

Gucci Bag or Tie, Anyone?

Thank you to everyone who headed over here from other blogs in response to my comment, and special thanks to those who didn't remove my totally selfish comment (which you had every right to do), and allowed me to use their blogs in a totally selfish way.

So, on to the contest. Mama Still Wears Gucci is hosting an awesome contest for her birthday where you could win a Gucci bag or tie. The thing is, she's going to make you work for it. The contest is open until midnight on June 7, and will run until December 7, which is her son's birthday. The contest will be based on percentage of weight loss, and is open to men and women. The men may choose the tie, or give the bag to someone special. At the conclusion of the contest, Gucci Mama will post the winner along with before and after pics of all the participants.

I know there's nothing in there about having to create a blog post of your own referring people to the contest, but I am pregnant, and so I can't enter. I consoled myself with the comforting thought that I won't have my before and after pics on the web, and I'd have all these inspiring stories of weight loss to turn to after my child is born. Gucci Mama, however, showing an infinite kindness, has offered an alternative to her pregnant readers: recruit people for the contest, and whoever recruits the most people will win an alternative prize. Well, what can I say? I love to compete, and I LOVE to win. So, please, go to Gucci Mama's blog post about the contest, sign up, and tell her I sent you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Gucci Mama said...

Good luck! I really hope you win!

Gucci Mama said...

So...how is everything going? Feeling well?