I don't have a picture that fully captures his greatness yet, but I doubt a picture will ever compare to him in person, so you'll have to make do with what I have. These pictures are copyrighted by JCPenney.

As you can see, he is the cutest baby ever. I love, Love, LOVE the picture of Wesley and Michael. I have more pictures to post that we have taken ourselves, but I haven't downloaded them to the computer yet. Hopefully I'll get that done soon, but one thing I have learned well is to not make plans or set time-specific goals.
What a handsome baby. Congrats!!
I am so happy for you!
So, so, so cute!
I've been waiting ever so impatiently, so thanks for updating. ;-)
Congrats on the wonderful little boy you've been blessed with! Yay!
I'm sorry I haven't been by sooner to tell you he's so gorgeous! He's perfect and beautiful and adorable. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys!
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