June 21, 2008

OMG I'm posting on Saturday!!!!

Ok, so I don't post on Saturdays....or weekends in general, but I have excellent news:

MICHAEL GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, here's the really great part: We still get to go to see my family for my birthday! We weren't going to go because it costs about $100 in gas to get down there and back, plus whatever gas we would use while we were there. But now we're going! And, something I think is awesome, we're taking my new car! We were going to rent a car, but to save more money, we will be taking my wonderful new car. The idea is that we shouldn't be spending the extra money to keep the mileage off my car because we're going to run it until the wheels fall off anyway (which means my kids will probably get a car before I get another one, but that's ok) and we don't need to spend the extra money. Michael has had to take a little bit of a pay cut, but that will be made up in about 18 months, assuming he passes all the tests and such, but I'm sure he will.

Here's the ironic part: he was inspecting pest control companies/treatments, now he's working for one of the companies he would have been regulating. In other words, the state gave him all of this free training, plus some travel opportunities and a whole bunch of meals they paid for (and gas and hotels and office supplies) and now he gets to use it to have a job he'll enjoy more.

Oh, another great thing? We were going to go to Wet 'n' Wild while we were visiting my family, and now we aren't because we're trying to save money. Why is that great? Well, while I have lost some weight and I think I'm looking better, I'd rather lose a lot more before I put on a bathing suit and walk around in front of a whole bunch of other people who are also in bathing suits, and many of which would probably look better than I would. Next year? Next year we will definately be going, because by that time I will be HOT! :)

In other news, happy birthday Sis! You rock!


Gucci Mama said...

Whoo hoo! I'm so glad the job thing worked out for you guys...and so quickly too!

Outnumbered2to1 said...

Yeah! Congrats to you and your husband! Oh and have a great birthday trip.

Ross said...

Sorry this is late, but congrats! I'm very happy for you guys. Hope things continue to go from strength to strength.